Crowntail betta fish


The Crowntail Betta fish is one of the most popular small freshwater species in the US for one main reason; their beautiful caudal fins!

As the most popular betta, a Crowntail is colloquially referred to as a Betta, or its behavioral name of the Siamese fighting fish.

The fish’s ancestors are known to be native to Thailand (formally Siam) and other parts of South-East Asia (e.g. Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia). They are renowned for their beautiful, and often colorful, ray-finned caudal and their aggressiveness nature; this can make keeping them as a beginner challenging.

Keep reading to learn about their behavior, care requirements, dietary needs, optimum tank conditions and ideal tank mates.

If you’re in a hurry, then take a quick glance at the summary table below for a brief overview of Crowntail Bettas.

Category Rating
Care Level: Moderate to High
Temperament: Very Aggressive
Color Form: Multiple; typically blue and red
Lifespan: 2-3 Years
Size: 3″
Diet: Carnivorous (High protein)
Family: Gourami
Minimum Tank Size: 5 Gallons
Tank Set-Up: Freshwater: Floating Water Plants
Compatibility: Aggressive

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